Babble: about two women (one of them being me!) & a baby
On my Needles: Christmas gifts
Vanilla socks for my Father-in-law
Basketweave scarf for my Uncle-in-law
Felted bag for my Sister-in-law
Easy lace scarf for my Mum
Wrist warmers for my Mother-in-law
Still 2 left to cast on...
Interlude music:
Cara Dillon
"Spencer The Rover" (mp3)
from "Hill of Thieves"
(Charcoal Records)
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Marriage - part 3. About this article:
The connubial crucible: Newlywed years as predictors of marital delight, distress, and divorce.
Huston, Ted L.1; Caughlin, John P.; Houts, Renate M.; Smith, Shanna E.; George, Laura J.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 80(2), Feb 2001, pp. 237-252
This study showed that couples' newlywed marriages and changes in their union over the first 2 years foreshadow their long-term marital fate after 13 years. Consistent with the enduring dynamics model, differences in the intensity of newlyweds' ...
Journal Pages: 237-252
Inspired Pattern:
My ExEnding music:
Karan Casey
"Town of Athlone" (mp3)
from "The Rough Guide to Irish Folk"
(Rough Guides/World Music Network)
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